Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Signing up for the American Crossbow Federation

I want you all to take a minute and think about how much you enjoy spending time in the woods with your crossbow. Now think about not being able to do that. Not such a pretty picture is it?

The American Crossbow Federation (ACF) is helping others fight for that same right to hunt with a crossbow. The ACF needs to grow its ranks in every state.

That is where they need your help and just a little of your money.
For $20 you get 4 beautiful color issue of the Horizontal Bowhunter and more importantly, your name gets added to the list of those willing to further the crossbow cause.

It does not take a lot of time or money to help out this cause, but the results can be positive for so many other hunters. Think about it. $20 is not even half a tank of gas in most cars (sadly) and you are helping let other people get out and hunt with crossbows.

The support needs to come from every state, not just the states that already have crossbow season. If you live in MI, MN, OK, TX, WI, NC or wherever, sign up and help the cause.

The tide is turning in the use of crossbows by all bowhunters,
but the ACF needs your help to keep it headed in the right direction.

The ACF can be reached at 320-634-3660
or you can email Dan Hendricks at bowtwang@charter.net


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